Links to other funeral services and providers
We work with and or collaborate with several other services that can provide services to help with funeral arrangements.
we are proud to collaborate with the beautiful natural burial site at Knockma Woodland Burial Ground. Situated in a tranquil setting, this alternative to traditional graveyards allows for eco-friendly burials without headstones or elaborate markings. Instead, a simple natural stone at ground level bears the name and dates of the departed. Some families choose to have native trees planted in memory of their loved ones. At Knockma, we honor the ancient Celtic belief that oak trees serve as gateways between worlds, making it a truly special place for final rest."
Releasing butterflies adds a unique and memorable touch to a funeral or memorial service. The butterfly has long been symbolic of freedom, love and new life or the beginning of a new journey. Butterflies flying free can also represent the “setting free of the spirit” and releasing butterflies is a reflective, yet uplifting, experience. Family members and friends may “send their love on the wings of a butterfly” as they each release their own individual butterfly ~ a very touching and personal experience. Alternatively, a mass release of butterflies from one release box… open the lid and fill the sky with an amazing flutter of beautiful butterflies ~ such a unique, symbolic and personal way to commemorate the passing of a loved one… special memories that last forever.