We will be at the following events
If you like to come and meet us, we will be at the following events.

Belmullet heritage fair day
Saturday, 17th of August.
Heritage Day will be full of live acts, tempting food, engaging arts and crafts, rich history and heritage, and family fun!

Storm the Castle
21 August 2024
Athlone Castle will be opening to the public with free admission for all!
Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism return to Athlone Castle with a recreation of a medieval town market with onsite demonstrations of medieval cooking with herbs, dyes and pigment making, fibre art including nalbinding, lucet braiding, dressmaking, embroidery, and hand spinning, as well as other traditional crafts such as calligraphy, leatherwork, etc. They will be joined by Sandra King of Irish Fibre Crafters, who will demonstrate the traditional crafts of spinning, natural dyeing and weaving. Westcountry Willows will be onsite demonstrating traditional basket weaving techniques, and Jack Pinson will showcase the craftsmanship of pole lathe turning. Tóla Collier will take on the role of a Medieval Barber/ surgeon and explore the topic of herbal medicines from the medieval world.
To add to the event's authenticity, visitors will be encouraged to try on period costumes supplied by Athlone Castle. A selection of traditional games will also be available for everyone to enjoy.

Celt skills Weekend in the hills
28 - 29 September 2024
Once known as Weekend in the Woods, this popular two-day event is now held at Slieve Aughty Centre, an eco-friendly and certified organic venue, situated 10 km outside Loughrea town in county Galway.
Come learn a skill, soak up the culture, have fun and make everlasting friendships!
Courses Scheduled in 2024 Include:
Mixed Metal and Silver Jewelry
Longbow Making
Bushcraft Survival for adults
Willow Weaving
Sheepskin Tanning
Súgán Chair Building
Bowl turning on a Foot Powered Lathe
Leather Work
Print Making (A course for children)
Fish- Skin Tanning
Stone wall building
Stone carving

A Weekend of Willow Weaving at Common Knowledge
Embark on a two-day journey into the world of willow weaving and create two of your own handmade baskets.
In this workshop hosted by West Country Willows, participants will delve into the ancient craft of basketry, learning the intricate techniques that transform supple willow rods into two functional and beautiful baskets.

Event demonstrations
We enjoy demonstrating the ancient skill of basket making at various festivals, street faiirs and other events.We can make baskets at the event as well as engaging with the public explaining the history and methods of basketry. Demonstrating heritage crafts at events can help to draw additional people who stay longer.
If you like to book us for your festival or event please contact us for more information.